• Mon - Sat 8:00 - 18:00
  • admin@primalbreathwork.com
  • +31-620 644 845

An ancient practice for your modern life

This course will teach you foundations of yoga’s sister science: Ayurveda, and provide you with self care practices to keep you healthy year round.

You’ll learn how this ancient practice can be incorporated into your daily routine and gain valuable insight into the Doshas, including their archetypes and mental and emotional elements.

Upon completion of this course, you will be able to register 5 hours of continuing education with Yoga Alliance.

What’s Included

  • Understanding Ayurveda and Perfect Health
  • The Three Causes of Disease
  • The Doshas: Kapha, Pitta + Vata
  • The Maha Gunas: Earth, Water, Fire, Air, Water + Ether
  • Eye, Nose, Mouth, Ear, and Skincare as it relates to the Maha Gunas
  • Dinacharya & Ritucharya: Daily + Seasonal Practices for you to use year round
  • Upon completion you will receive a certificate which counts towards 5 Hours of Continuing Education with the Yoga Alliance